Turner Marketing Consulting can help you with simple marketing solutions. Do you need some advice on your overall marketing strategy? Perhaps you have a system you like, but would like to add some new tools. Or maybe you would just like for someone to look over your current marketing plan and materials and offer ideas to make it work harder. Give me a call and let’s talk about how we can help you improve your marketing effectiveness.

Customized Digital Marketing Plans 

I love to sit down with business owners and nonprofits and talk about their best customers. Not just the one’s they have the most of, but the ones they want more of. The ones that are a pleasure to do business with and the one’s that make them money. Let’s talk about what those kinds of customers are like, where and how we can reach them. My specialty is the digital marketing landscape. There are so many options that are affordable and measurable. Together we can come up with a plan for getting your current and potential customers to know you, like you, trust you and buy from you.

I can also consult on other specific marketing ideas or plans you are working on or considering. Sometimes you just need some fresh ideas. Or maybe you have the ideas and need help making them happen.

Email Marketing

The easiest way to earn more business is by targeting those who already know and love you. Email marketing reaches those who you already have relationships with. I can set up campaigns, monitor, analyze and report on them. Regular newsletters or individual campaigns.

Customer Service Surveys and Online Voting Contests

Your customers are a valuable source of information when you want to know how you’re doing. With an online survey you can find out what they think and feel about your products and services, where you could make improvements and what new offerings you may want to consider. A survey may tell you what you need to know before investing in new products or services.

I’ll talk with you about the goals of your survey, and work to craft just the right questions and then get it to the right people. I’ll help you promote, distribute and collect the surveys and then analyze the results in a report and meet with you to go over it.

Public Relations

There are a lot of reasons your business or organization is newsworthy. Events, new products or services, awards accomplishments or recognition, new location, new staff, research study results, or fundraising campaigns are all good reasons to get your name in the paper.

I’ll help you set up a system, complete with templates, to notify the media and community leaders, and post on community calendars to help you get some free press.

I’m also available to write and distribute news releases as needed.

Virtual Marketing Department

Whether you’re just starting out and don’t have a marketing staff yet, or you have a vacancy in your marketing department; whether you need help with a short-term campaign or just want someone else to do marketing for you – I can be your marketing staff.

I’ll work on a variety of projects and activities as directed and provide advice, insight and ideas along the way.


Let’s get started! Contact me today.